Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hangin In the Kitchen

I spent some time tonight just sitting around the kitchen, talking with my folks, and doing some quick gestures of the best part of the house. Kitchens are such a great place to relax, they are the heart of the house.

We just got a new fridge, and it rocks.

This old style coffee grinder is one of my favorite parts of our kitchen. I am a sucker for man-powered, hand-crank tools. I think it being the object of so much affection made it a lot harder to draw (I was not happy with any of my grinder sketches).


  1. This blog concept is fantastic, Nick! I love it. The recipes and their graphic design are fantastic! Woo hoo!

  2. I commented on these last night but they're not showing up so I'll repeat what I said...

    Your dad looks cool. I love the gestural style, especially how you described your parents without drawing all the lines in.
